Friday, April 19, 2013

Group Project!!!

I just realized that I don't have to change my font everytime I want to post something....... I'm a noob xD

Well, today I met with my group members in my Comm 101 class about our upcoming project. We have to talk about a country and what it's culture, its social norms, and how they communicate (why not because its a communication class xDD). Guess what my group decided to do.....??


And guess what is a part of Japanese culture.......??


One of our ideas is to take mochi and stick two pocky sticks in it so it looks like an alien; we're going to put it in little origami boxes :3

We had to make 21 of these things @____@ TWENTY ONE. But we all worked together to make them :D

Then we started to goof off....... (>__>)  (<__<)

My friend and I made these blossom hearts. :3 Hers is on the left and mine is on the right.

How to make Blossom Hearts


She made a koi fish. Mine didn't work out. (/□\*)・゜

How to make a Koi fishy

It's never an origami session without a crane.

Another crane I made :3 Ass you all can see, we had lots of fun today. xD
How to make a crane

1 comment:

  1. "ass you can all see."
    HAH! And you can never make have an origami session without a crane.. so true :)
